Maoir Agus Bàillidhean

Dòmhnall Eachann Meek

Tha iomadh sgeulachd is òran anns a’ Ghàidhlig mu na bàillidhean agus na maoir a bhiodh a’ cumail smachd air na h-oighreachdan Gàidhealach anns an naoidheamh linn deug.  Mar as trice, tha na sgeulachdan agus na h-òrain sin ag innse dhuinn gur h-e daoine dona a bha anns na bàillidhean, ach tha corra sgeulachd is òran ann a tha ag innse gur h-e daoine matha a bha ann an cuid dhiubh.  Nuair a bha mi nam bhalach, chuala mi fhìn naidheachdan mu na bàillidhean a bha ann an Tiriodh.  Chuala mi naidheachdan mun ‘Bhàillidh Dhubh’, ’s e sin Iain Caimbeul à Ìle, a bha ann an Tiriodh eadar 1847 is 1864, agus mu Eòghann MacDhiarmaid a bha san eilean aig deireadh na naoidheamh linn deug.   Chuala mi cuideachd gum biodh an croitear mu dheireadh a bhiodh anmoch a’ pàigheadh a’ mhàil air a chrochadh faisg air Taigh an Eilein. 

Bhiodh iad a’ togail ceist nam inntinn: A bheil na sgeulachdan agus na h-òrain sin fìor no breugach, no a bheil iad an dà chuid fìor agus breugach?

B’ e ‘Maoir agus Bàillidhean ann am Beul-aithris agus Litreachas na Gàidhlig’ an cuspair a bha agamsa nuair a bha mi a’ bruidhinn aig Sabhal Mòr Òstaig anns an Eilean Sgitheanach air an 20mh den Mhàrt.

B’ e seo a’ chiad òraid ann an sreath ùr a tha a’ cur urram air a’ bhàrd ainmeil, Somhairle MacIll-Eain.  Bha còrr is trì-fichead neach an làthair – agus tha còrr is ceithir cheud air a bhith a’ sealltainn air an òraid air YouTube on uair sin.

Faodaidh sibhse èisdeachd ris an òraid cuideachd, ann an Gàidhlig no ann am Beurla, aig na ceanglaichean seo: (Gàidhlig) (Beurla)


There are many stories and songs in Gaelic about the factors and estate officers who used to keep control of Highland estates in the nineteenth century.  Usually, such stories and songs tell us that the factors were bad people, but there is an occasional song and tale that tells us that some of them were good people. When I was a boy, I myself heard stories about the factors who were in Tiree.  I heard stories about the ‘Black Factor, that is, John Campbell from Islay, who was in Tiree between 1847 and 1864, and about Hugh MacDiarmid, who was in the island at the end of the nineteenth century.  I also heard that the last crofter who was late in paying the rent would be hanged near Island House.

They used to raise a question in my mind:  Are those songs and stories true or false, or are they both true and false?

‘Estate Officers and Factors in Gaelic Oral Tradition and Literature’ was the subject I chose when I was speaking at Sabhal Mòr Òstaig in Skye on the 20th of March.

This was the first lecture in a new series which honours the famous Gaelic poet, Sorley Maclean.  Over 60 people were present, and more than 400 have been watching the lecture on YouTube since then.

You too can listen to the lecture, in Gaelic or in English, at the links given above.

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