Geamhradh de Ghàidhlig
A winter of FREE Gaelic events
Tha sinn air bhioran an t-sreath de thachartasan Gàidhlig geamhraidh a chaidh a ghealltainn ainmeachadh! Bidh sinn a’ cur barrachd thachartasan ris an liosta a dh’aithghearr, mar sin cùm sùil air an duilleag seo airson ùrachaidhean!
We promised a series of Gaelic events through the winter, and there are first set! Keep an eye on this page as we add to them.
We have put together a selection of resources that we hope you will find helpful – including links to online learning opportunities and resources for parents!
To make sure you don’t miss anything, use this form to sign up for updates about Gaelic events!
Latest Updates
An Oidhche Ro Nollaig
class=” eplus-wrapper”>It’s an oidhche ro Nollaig… And on the night before Christmas, what could be better than a wee Gaelic story? Taing dhuibh uile a…
Geamhradh de Ghàidhlig
class=” eplus-wrapper”>Tha sinn air bhioran an t-sreath de thachartasan Gàidhlig geamhraidh a chaidh a ghealltainn ainmeachadh! Bidh sinn a’ cur barrachd thachartasan ris an liosta…