Your Climate Action Group needs you!

Following our climate events with Science Ceilidh, folks had the idea of setting up a Community Climate Action Group.

We are excited to have succeeded in getting £2,500 from Argyll & Bute Council through the Supporting Communities Fund to help set up and run the group, along with some initial priority actions.

The Trust will be helping to get the group off the ground, but the plan is that it will run itself – with a focus on practical projects and local action.

The first step is to get the group up and running to take forward some of the great ideas that people came up with at the Climate event – and new ones which will appear.

Some of the proposed actions in our funding bid included:

  • Improving parking signage to protect fragile coastal areas and prevent further erosion
  • Replanting marram grass and other nature-based approaches
  • Community workshops and events
  • Working with the High School Eco Group

The first meeting will be on Weds 4 Sept at 7pm in the Trust Office where we will be unveiling the wonderful map that was generated from the Science Cèilidh work!

Email if you want to let us know you are coming!
