Here are the stats for July so far. Our favourite is that the kWh generated in July (so far) could power an 800-watt microwave for 18.9 years!
Generated in July
132,214 kWh
Most Productive Day
4th of July – 14,476 kWh
Windiest Day
4th of July – 53.24 mph
The wind speed was recorded by Tilley as 15.66 mph on average in July so far.
On the 4th of July, at the windiest point, Tilley was rotating 35 times a minute (35.38 to be precise).
Tilley had some scheduled downtime on the 17th July from 08:25 to 16:00 to allow for SSE’s monthly testing of their diesel backup generators.
She is currently generating at 60% power. This is a fairly standard level of generation during calmer summer weather, and Enercon are due to make a final fix in September or October.
The Windfall Fund has reopened for community projects, and you can find out more here.