We want to say a big MÒRAN TAING to everyone who supported our summer drop-ins and classes! A huge thank you too, to Professor Meek without whom it wouldn’t have happened. They have now finished, but we’re busy planning the next set of events. We’re looking forward to a programme of autumn and winter events – which we’ll be telling you about very soon.
Our summer events were run as part of Tabhaich. Tabhaich is a programme run by Fèisean nan Gaidheal and funded through Argyll & Bute Council. A big thanks goes to them for their support.
If you were busy over the summer but want to be kept up to date about all things Gaelic – classes, conversation circles, quizzes, films and more, please do fill out this wee form and we will add you to our mailing list.
Taing dhuibh!