TAIC: Tiree Action in the Community

TAIC: Tiree Action in the Community

Argyll and Bute Council staff on the island, members of Cùram, the Trust and a number of volunteers have come together to create a safety net called TAIC (taic means ‘help or support’ in Gaelic). This is for people on the island who need to isolate themselves at home for whatever reason during the next few months of the corona virus epidemic. Individuals and families with the disease will obviously be self-isolating, and many of those over 70 may choose to stay at home as much as possible. Many will have family or trusty friends and neighbours to call on. But for those who do need messages or a prescription and can’t get out, you can phone Rona in the Crossapol office and she will find someone to help you.

Phone TAIC, the Tiree helpline: 01631 572975

TAIC: Tiree Action in the Community
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