The AGM is coming up! We would love to find more directors – and we need more members too!
If you think there are things that the Trust should be doing, or doing better, then becoming a member or a Director is a great way to get your voice hear. After all, decisions are made by the people who show up!
Become a Member
Anyone who is on the electoral roll in Tiree can be a member of the Trust. It costs £1, and gives you voting rights at the AGM.
We do regular member newsletters, and discounts on EPCs. We are hoping to add more member benefits in the future.
To become a member, download the form below.
Trust Member
Junior Member (Under 18)
Become a Director
No community organisation would work without Directors. Directors have a direct say in decisions that are made. Their input is invaluable.
At the moment, there are small number of people doing a lot of the work. The more people who become Directors, the more voices are heard, and the more evenly tasks and decisions are spread.
We urgently need:
- Directors for the main Trust Board
- Directors for TCEL (Projects include the fuel station, business units, and the future vet practice.)
We would also welcome Directors for TCMAL, TREL and CIT.
The deadline for nominations to be received for elected directors is 5pm on Monday 9th September
To become a Director, download the form below.