Tiree Trust took over the management of the Ranger Service from Tiree Rural Development at the end of 2016.
Tiree has benefited from a full time Ranger since August 2010. In November 2019, Hayley Douglas was appointed to the post as the new member of staff for our island.
Our Ranger is here to help you enjoy Tiree’s spectacular natural environment responsibly. Duties include welcoming guests, distributing information and asking drivers of camper vans, motor homes and caravans for their assistance in protecting our sensitive machair.
The Ranger is responsible for offering natural heritage activities for children; including work with youngsters at the school. Offering guided walks and events for islanders and visitors. Other duties include monitoring access for disabled guests, maintaining off road parking areas and reporting on Tiree Ranger Service activities in An Tirisdeach.

Our Ranger helps with the production of heritage brochures and leaflets: covering subjects as diverse as visitor maps, using single track roads, wildlife guides, spotting birds and sites of religious and/or historic interest.
Ranger events and walks are available throughout the year. To find out more information contact the Ranger on ranger@tireetrust.org.uk, phone on 07391 239 502, go to the Discover Tiree Website or keep an eye on the Social Media accounts on Twitter and Facebook
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You can follow the activities of our Ranger – plus the latest news and live event updates – through Facebook and Twitter.
This post is funded by NatureScot, Discover Tiree and Tiree Trust.
To discuss camping or overnight parking for your motorhome, plus any other access enquiries, please contact: Hayley Douglas, Tiree Ranger
You can read and download Ranger Development Plan here.