We have been working with Science Ceilidh to learn more about climate adaptation in Tiree.
Our Community Climate Event was a great success with lots of enthusiasm and ideas. We have recently launched our new Community Climate Action Group, and our first project is collecting Marram Grass seed. Ionnsaich tuilleadh!
Naidheachdan as ùra
Feb 2025: Vet Practice Update
We are continuing to work with Coll & Tiree Vets, as well as TRD and the local branch of the NFU to find a new…
Help Us Improve Tiree’s Homes – Free EPCs Available!
We need your help! Are you a Tiree resident who: 🏡 Would describe your home as poorly insulated? 💷 Spends more than 10% of your…
Croft Camping Sites are now open for 2025
The Croft Camping sites are open for booking from the 14th of January for the season starting on the 1st of April. You can find a map…
Sgeama ùr: TEAS (Tiree Energy Assessment Scheme)
We’re excited to announce the launch of the Tiree Energy Assessment Scheme (TEAS), a project designed to improve the energy efficiency of our island’s housing…
Nov 24: Vet Practice Update
Some of you will know that the Trust has put together a vet practice working group to tackle some of the challenges around recruiting a…
New Climate Project Maps!
We’re thrilled to have received these new leaflets and postcards – a culmination of our work with Science Ceilidh as part of the Highlands and…
Sgeama Taic Ùr do Chroitearachd
Tha sinn air ar dòigh innse dhuibh gu bheil sinn a' fosgladh dà sgeama ùr gus taic a thoirt do Chroitearan ann an Tiriodh! Tha na sgeamaichean seo a-nis fosgailte airson iarrtasan.
An urrainn dhut ar cuideachadh le buain feur na mòintich?
Hello from Tiree’s new Community Climate Action group! The group has grown out of the Trust’s work with Science Ceilidh over the past year –…