
We’re delighted to announce that we are opening two new schemes to support Crofters in Tiree! These schemes are now open to applications.

Maoin Taic CAGS

Open for applications

'S e amas na maoine seo cuideachadh a thoirt do chroitearan a tha feumach air taic bho chomhairliche gus cothrom fhaighinn air maoineachadh CAGS.

Pàighidh am maoin airson comhairliche ionadail gus crìoch a chur air an iarrtas agad airson CAGS. 'S i Morven NicArtair à Agricroft an comhairliche a tha sinn air a chur an dreuchd.

Iasad Eadar-amail CAGS

Open for applications

'S e amas na maoine seo a bhith a’ lìonadh a’ bheàrn eadar aontachadh CAGS agus nuair a thèid an tabhartas a phàigheadh air ais. Leigidh seo le Croitearan aig nach eil airgead ri làimh am beàrn a lìonadh eadar pàigheadh an cunnradair no an solaraiche aca agus faighinn air ais an cuid maoineachaidh bho CAGS.

We are also following up on two other areas which Crofters highlighted to us.

Reducing the Need for Multiple Quotes for Work

  • Update: SGRIPD is planning to introduce standard rates for services like fencing.
  • Action: We will stay informed of these updates and share relevant information with the NFU and TRD.

Council Ditching

  • Issue: Road ditch cleaning.
  • Action: We will follow up with the Council to understand their policy and advocate for additional ditching.

For any questions or comments, please contact us at

English (UK)