Maoin Taic CAGS

Purpose: To provide financial assistance for crofters needing consultant support to access CAGS funding.

Fund Amount: Approximately £2,000 in total.


In recent consultation events with local crofters, the CAGS application process was described as inaccessible and daunting, especially for crofters who have not previously applied for CAGS funding. In combination with the CAGS funding gap between work commencing and finishing, this was cited as a major barrier to applying for funding. 

The Consultancy Support Scheme is intended to help Tiree Crofters access advice and guidance related to CAGS applications. The Trust has commissioned a Tiree-based agricultural expert to provide relevant support and help with CAGS applications to Tiree Crofters.  

This service is fully-funded and will therefore be free to access, which we hope will lower barriers to CAGS funding. 

The Consultancy Support Scheme will run initially as a pilot project during 2024-2025, with the Trust Board due to take a decision thereafter about possibly continuing the project.  

We intend to support around 7-10 applications – the final number may vary depending on the complexity of applications and degree of support provided.  


  1. Any Tiree-based, registered crofter who is looking to submit a CAGS funding application is eligible to apply. 
  1. Applications are limited to one application per business.  
  1. Although the support scheme is not means-tested and is open to all Tiree Crofters, we are particularly keen that applicants who would otherwise struggle to complete a CAGS application receive support.  
  1. The Trust may ask for evidence to see that you meet the eligibility criteria, or for clarifying information about your business.  

Consultancy Support Terms 

  1. Consultancy Support can only be for CAGS applications. 
  1. All applicants must submit a completed application form to the Trust.  
  1. It is possible to apply for both Consultancy Support and the Crofters Bridging Loan. One application will not affect your eligibility for another. If applying for the Crofters Bridging Loan, applicants should first ensure that their CAGS application has been successfully submitted and they have received their ‘consent to start work’ letter (please refer to separate Crofters Bridging Loan Scheme Terms and Conditions document). 
  1. The Trust may ask the consultant for basic details about your project / application – for record-keeping purposes and to monitor the impact of the project. These will not be shared publicly.  
  1. If demand for support exceeds the funding the Trust have allocated to this project, we may unfortunately not be able to support every applicant this time around. In this case applications will be scored based on the information in your application to determine who will be funded.  


  1. Applications are open all year round.
  1. If you need support with your application, you can contact the Trust for assistance. This will not affect your chances.  
  1. In early November, the Trust will assess and select relevant applications, which will then be passed on to the appointed consultant. The consultant is not involved in screening or selecting applications. 
  1. Once selected, the consultant will contact all successful applicants and arrange a time to meet with them. For capacity reasons, it may mean that some applicants are supported before others, and that support is staged throughout 2024-2025.  
  1. Support will be considered complete upon submission of a CAGS application. Thereafter the applicant may choose to re-engage the consultant for other matters, but this will be outside the scope of the Crofters Consultancy Support and will have to funded separately.  

If you have any questions about the above, your eligibility, or filling out an application, please contact the Trust directly at  

English (UK)