What’s the Gaelic for busy? Trang! Agus gu dearbh, tha an samhradh seo trang. Tha tòrr bhuidhnean a' ruith thachartasan – a' gabhail a-steach an Urras. Tha sinn a' tabhann seiseanan "tuiteam a-steach" agus clasaichean còmhraidh Gàidhlig aig deireadh an t-Iuchair agus toiseach an Lùnasdail leis an t-Ollamh Dòmhnall Meek.
Clasaichean Còmhraidh
Professor Donald Meek will be running a series of conversation classes in July…
Gaelic Drop-in Sessions
Have you always wondered how to pronounce something in Gaelic? Unsure about Gaelic…
In addition to the classes, there are a whole range of events supported or run by organisations including: TMF, Screen Argyll, Sabhal Mòr Ostaig, Fèisean nan Gàidheal, Argyll & Bute Council and Bòrd na Gàidhlig.
Tachartasan Gàidhlig
12th July – Gaelic Song Workshop 1pm at Tiree Music Festival
Saturday 13th July
- Gaelic Song Workshop 11am at Tiree Music Festival
- Gaelic Taster Session 2:45pm at Tiree Music Festival
Bookbug sessions will run during the TMF weekend – keep an eye on the programme!
Weds 17th July – Conversation Class Kick Off Session – 7pm at Trust Office
Sat 27th July
- Gaelic Drop-in Session – 11am at Trust Office
- Gaelic Conversation Class – 13:30 at Trust Office
Sat 3rd August
- Gaelic Drop-in Session – 11am at Trust Office
- Gaelic Conversation Class – 13:30 at Trust Office
Sat 10th August
- Gaelic Drop-in Session – 11am at Trust Office
- Gaelic Conversation Class – 13:30 at Trust Office
September – Screen Argyll supported by Tiree Trust – Bookbug, Gaelic Song Sessions – times TBC