Clasaichean Còmhraidh

Bidh an t-Ollamh Dòmhnall Meek a' ruith sreath de chlasaichean còmhraidh san Iuchar agus san Lùnastal mar phàirt de Thabhaich! 'S e prògram a th’ ann an Tabhaich air a ruith le Fèisean nan Gàidheal agus air a mhaoineachadh le Comhairle Earra-Ghàidheal is Bhòid.

An ath chlas: Disathairne 10 Lùnastal @ 1.30f (Oifis an Urras)

These will offer practical experience in the use of Gaelic in communication and discussion, centred on particular themes. It is assumed that those who attend will already have some knowledge of Gaelic, and that they will be able to read short passages, which will act as prompts for conversation.

These conversation-starters will include the articles in simple Gaelic which were published fortnightly in An Tirisdeach between spring and autumn 2024. Paper copies of these items will be provided at the outset of the classes.

The classes will also aim to provide opportunities for more advanced speakers to use Gaelic in a natural context and to interact at an appropriate level with those who are less fluent.

The teacher will be sensitive to the different stages of language acquisition represented in the classes, and, depending on interest, will be happy to provide additional opportunities for using Gaelic.

Post-d: for more information

Kick Off Event

  • Weds 17 July at 7pm in the Trust Office

The first meeting, combining both interest-groups, will be held on Wednesday 17 July in Tiree Business Centre, at 7.00-8.15 pm.  Needs and levels will be assessed, and appropriate arrangements will be considered.

Conversation Class Dates

  • Sat 27 July @ 1.30pm (Trust Office)
  • Sat 3 August @ 1.30pm (Trust Office)
  • Sat 10 August @ 1.30pm (Trust Office)

Very little or no Gaelic? Try our Drop-in Sessions!

English (UK)