Wildlife Training Bursaries in Scotland

Scotland needs more taxonomic experts, who can accurately identify the many different species and help new generations carry forward this important work. Such experts are critical to wildlife conservation, because we cannot even begin to conserve our wildlife unless we know what we have, where it is, and how scarce or common it is. Wildlife recording thus underpins all conservation efforts. Expertise in a taxonomic group is gained through study and fieldwork, but it is unfortunately the case that many of our experts are getting older and BRISC would like to ensure that young naturalists are enhancing their skills and experience to provide a continuity of enthusiastic recorders into the future.

In order to encourage people to take up the serious study of wildlife, Biological Recording in Scotland (BRISC) and Glasgow Natural History Society (GNHS) are offering seven bursaries of £200 to anyone living in Scotland, toward the cost of attending a suitable training course in 2015. In return the recipients of the bursaries will be asked to write a short article for BRISC Recorder News, and/or the GNHS Newsletter.

For more info please follow this link


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