Naidheachd mun Windfall Fund

The Windfall Fund has now closed to applications for 2024.

We are hoping to be in a position to re-open it again in the New Year 2025. Find out more about the Windfall Fund and why we are being careful about how money is used.

We strongly recommend that you get your applications in as soon as the fund re-opens! Anyone wishing to apply for support in 2025 can request an application form by contacting us at or call us on 01879 220 074.

We were thrilled to fund the following organisations this year:

Fèis Thiriodh£3,000
Tiree Community Gym£3,000
Tiree Parties Committee£3,000
Tiree Wave Classic£1,500
Tiree Agricultural Society£1,546
Screen Argyll £1,300
Tiree Makery£1,650
TCDT First Aid£2,000

English (UK)