Camping in Tiree

Are you travelling to Tiree in a campervan or with a caravan?

AFTER YOU HAVE BOOKED YOUR FERRY, please make sure that you are also booked onto a serviced campsite, or are booked onto a pitch via our Croft Camping Scheme. These sites are located in various locations around the island and are all unserviced, but offer a “wild” experience and benefit the local crofters offering the sites.

Tiree does not allow camping with a motor vehicle in any part of the island. The only way you can camp overnight with a motor vehicle is by booking an approved site to do so.

Your campsite options include:

Why do we want you to use a booked site?

  • Our ground is sandy and easily compacted. This is bad for the wild flowers and can contribute to erosion.
  • We have a lot of ground nesting birds.
  • Our crofters’ main crop is grass!

Top driving tips for Tiree

Most of Tiree is single track roads with passing places – we are always grateful if visitors note the following guidance in using them, especially for larger vehicles:

  • Cyclists should be treated, and behave, the same as if they are motor vehicle users. Don’t attempt to drive past them on a single track road.
  • Use passing places to allow faster vehicles to overtake
  • Always pull over on the left to let people pass, either in a passing place or opposite one. Never cross over to the right hand side.
  • Flashing lights or hazard lights behind you will indicate a doctor or an emergency services volunteer rushing to an emergency – please let them pass as soon as it is safe to do so.

Croft Camping

Please email to book a site.

English (UK)