MacLennan Motors Statement regarding Covid 19
Due to the current situation we will be implementing significant changes as to how we operate our business, to you our customers. Please see the following information for Tiree Services and freight to Tiree, Coll & Colonsay:
Tiree services
From Monday 23rd of March the following changes will take place;
– Garage will be closed to all business
– Fuel will only be available Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 10am and 2pm
– Only one person in the shop at a time and only card payment will be accepted.
– No self service. Please wait in car to get served.
– Please no children at this time are allowed in the shop.
– If fuel is needed urgently out of hours please phone 220
If you have any questions in relation to the above please contact Catriona on 220 555 or 0783119 3636
Tiree, Coll & Colonsay Freight Update
At the moment our freight service is running as normal. However, this is being reviewed on a daily basis and could change significantly and we will provide urgent updates on this. In the meantime, from Monday 23rd the following steps will be taken;
– Food and drink to will have priority over other goods
– Collection or delivery of goods from or to the Central belt will no longer continue
– All deliveries to customers will be left in porch, shed or car.
– If you have a collection, please leave in house (Tiree – do not bring to Crofters) we will uplift when instructed to do so.
Should you have any further questions on the freight please contact Stewart on 01631 566 275, 07738878668 or