A recent report commissioned by the Trust, along with several other sources suggests that a lack of affordable housing in Tiree is increasingly a problem for local businesses and organisations when it comes to attracting and recruiting new employees.
If sufficient housing solutions are not found, there is a risk that this issue could hold back the growth of some businesses, and even the survival of others. Lack of affordable housing for employees can affect all types of businesses, whether in the public or private sector, with the potential to impact on essential services such as healthcare or education.
We would like to hear from as many business owners across the island as possible in order to get an in-depth view about how this issue is impacting businesses in Tiree. This information will be essential in informing future projects and potential funding bids!
The survey aims to provide us with insight on:
- The scale of the issue currently in Tiree, and future impacts.
- Details on the types of businesses for whom this issue is most prevalent.
- Opinions on potential solutions to address the problems both in the short and long- term, including views on the types of accommodation most needed.
We appreciate this is a busy time for many businesses, however the survey should only take around 10 minutes to fill out (alongside a cuppa if desired!).
You can fill out the survey using the link below: https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/Y99RXQS
If you would like to chat further about this topic or receive a paper copy, get in touch with our Community Projects Officer Jack by emailing jack@tireetrust.org.uk or call +441879256016.