Towards the end of 2014, the Tiree Community Development Trust in partnership with the Argyll and Bute Council ran a Housing Needs Survey. A total of 316 households (2011 census) were targeted in the survey. Of the 316 households we received 84 valid returned surveys which accounted for 27% of households or 127 individuals. A further 29 online surveys were received from non-island residents who have expressed an interest in living on Tiree in the future. All the data from the surveys were submitted to the Argyll and Bute Council for further analysis.
From the results of the survey, there is no “significant backlog of unmet need on the island”; however, there is clearly a need for owner occupied housing at affordable prices which will help stimulate population growth and economic regeneration. Around 5-11 of the respondents seeking alternative accommodation and the non-residents wishing to come and live on the island all prefer affordable home ownership option.
The Council has identified Tiree as a low to medium priority within the Local Housing Strategy and has made a commitment to support future development on the island within the current Strategic Housing Investment Plan (SHIP). The council’s priority “remains to ensure sufficient and suitable extra care housing for the elderly and ageing population, particularly with a view to potential alternatives for the existing residential care facility, however, a small-scale development of mainstream social rented properties could also address the current and latent need from young residents and newly-forming families”. However, any new build housing is likely to be low cost home ownership or unsubsidised accommodation in the private market.
It is being recommended that any future strategic interventions should be focused on:
- Maximising the use of existing stock by bringing vacant properties back into use for private rent or ownership.
- Repairing and improving current properties that are in a poor condition.
- Improving energy efficiency so to maximise household income.
- Using national schemes like Rent To Buy, Help To Buy, Open Market Shared Equity and Mid-Market/Below Market Rental options.
Thank you to all those households that participated in the survey. This information is very beneficial for both the Trust and all groups looking at housing needs in the future.
Source: Tiree Housing Market Housing Need and Demand Survey Research Report 2014/15
Please click the links below to read the results in full.
Tiree Housing Needs Survey Final Report
Argyll Bute – Atlantic Islands – Final Report of Survey