Enterprise Week: A Day with the Angels

As part of our Highlands roadshow, we look forward to joining the Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Argyll and Bute Council’s Business Gateway at Argyll Enterprise Week for a Day with the Angels.

Spend the day with 2 experienced female business angels from Scotland’s only all female angel group, Investing Women.

At Investing Women we are passionate about entrepreneurs and keen to help as many women entrepreneurs as possible to think about how they can develop and grow their business.  During the day we will work with you to expore the options for growing your business even if you are still at the ideas stage and cover topics like:

  • How to structure your business for scalable growth
  • How to structure an effective pitch
  • Ways to build a team in the early days when money is very limited
  • Looking at market opportunities 
  • Financing growth
  • And, if relevant, how angel investment works and what would make your company attractive to investors.

This is a very, informal and relaxed session which will be designed around the needs of those who join us on the day.

The session will be taking place on Tuesday the 1st of November in Oban. Tickets can be purchased by clicking here! 

Investing Women would like to thank the Scottish Government for their support for entrepreneurs participating in A Day with the Angels as part of their Scotland CanDo initiative.  We would also like to thank Highlands and Islands Enterprise and Argyll and Bute Council’s Business Gateway for allowing us to be a part of their enterprise week.

English (UK)