Cruas Project – Winter 2023 Approach

Following the success of the Winter Energy Grant last year during our initial pilot, we were successful in funding a continuation of the Cruas Project via the Lottery Community Fund. As part of our move towards offering longer-term support, we have built partnerships teaming up with external funders to provide targeted support to residents experiencing fuel poverty. Our focus this year will be on helping Tiree residents access other sources of financial assistance, with less emphasis on providing it directly ourselves. As such, we will not be running the same broad grant offer as last year – but we will continue to be working to get support for those who need it. 


Our goal remains to ensure that residents receive the necessary support to address the effects of the cost of living crisis  – the partnerships we have formed will mean that residents can access financial support of greater monetary value and will allow us to direct our limited internal funds to those who cannot access help elsewhere, or who are experiencing exceptional short-term challenges. 


We encourage those needing assistance to contact our Community Support Officers directly. We can then assess a household’s circumstances and refer residents to the most appropriate support services and grant schemes.  


We will also be conducting outreach to those we know may need extra support. 


Our Crisis Grant remains open. 


The cost of living crisis is still here, and you are not alone in feeling the impact. 


More than half of Great Britain’s adult population is spending more than usual on their food shopping, while 6 out of 10 adults are cutting back on non-essential expenses. 44% of adults are reducing their fuel consumption at home due to the increasing cost of living. 


Please do not struggle alone this winter. Our Community Support Officers are here to work with you to find you support, financial or otherwise. When in doubt, reach out.  



Phone: 01879 256017 

Address: Urras Thiriodh, Units 1 & 2, The Island Centre, Crossapol 

English (UK)