Open Meeting- Monday 2nd June, Trust Offices, The Island Centre, Crossapol, 7.30pm
Join us to discuss what a new community shop management committee would look like. There are various ways in which this project can proceed and different roles to be defined and allocated.
Whether you want to be fully involved, intermittently involved in this project or just contribute to the discussion- we want to know what you can contribute to the ‘dream team’ and how this team would operate to deliver the best community shop for the island.
“I strongly feel that it’s important to get a ‘dream team’ together even if it’s for just one meeting, and even if it’s just to discover that there isn’t the collective will to take the project forward. That way we can be absolutely certain that we have given the project as good a go as the community can offer at this time.” – Views expressed by a community member at the previous meeting on 15th May.
Please contact Lynne Cox, for an update on progress and a copy of the agenda prior to attending.
Lynne Cox, Growth Plan Co-coordinator 01879 220 074