Geamhradh de Ghàidhlig

Tha sinn air bhioran an t-sreath de thachartasan Gàidhlig geamhraidh a chaidh a ghealltainn ainmeachadh! Bidh sinn a’ cur barrachd thachartasan ris an liosta a dh’aithghearr, mar sin cùm sùil air an duilleag seo airson ùrachaidhean!

We promised a series of Gaelic events through the winter, and here are first set! Keep an eye on this page as we add to them.

The film series is being run in partnership with Screen Argyll – mòran taing!

26 Oct – Dùthchas (Subtitles)

Diardaoin 24mh Dàmhair, 7f, Haoidhnis
Thursday 24th October, 7pm, Old Steadings, Hynish

Tha an aithriseachd Dùthchas na rannsachadh drùidhteach, tiamhaidh is làidir air cò ris a bha e coltach – agus a tha fhathast – do dhaoine, boireannaich gu h-àraid, a bhith a’ fàgail eilean am

Dùthchas is a poignant, touching and emotive exploration of what it meant, and still means to people, especially women, to have to leave the island of their birth to get an education, work, and live.

26 Oct – Creag nam Buthaidean/Puffin Rock

Disathairne 26mh Dàmhair, 10.30m, Haoidhnis
Saturday 26th October, 10.30am, Old Steadings, Hynish

Stèidhichte air an t-sreath Tbh a choisinn duaisean, tha Puffin Rock agus na Caraidean Ùra a’ faicinn ar caractaran teaghlaich as fheàrr leinn, Oona, Baba, May agus Mossy, a’ tighinn còmhla ri sgioba ùr de charactaran.

Based on the award-winning TV series, Puffin Rock and the New Friends sees our family favourites, Oona, Baba, May and Mossy joined by a new cast of characters.

30 Oct – Cearcall Còmhradh

Gaelic Conversation led by Donald Meek

Diciadain 30mh Dàmhair, 7f, Eaglais a’ Bhaigh

Do you have some or plenty, Gaelic?

Fancy a blether?

No judgement, just còmhradh. And cake.

6 Nov – Cearcall Còmhradh

Gaelic Conversation led by Donald Meek

Diciadain 6mh Samhainn, 7f, Eaglais a’ Bhaigh

Do you have some or plenty, Gaelic?

Fancy a blether?

No judgement, just còmhradh. And cake.

9 Nov – Criomagan Bheaga

Selection of Shorts (N/C)

Disathairne 9mh Samhainn, 10.30am, Haoidhnis
Saturday 9th November, 10.30am, Old Steadings, Hynish

Taghadh de fhiolmichean goirid a’ gabhail a-steach feadhainn a bhuannaich FilmG.

A selection of short films including past winners from Film G.

9 Nov – Gaelic Cafe

Disathairne 9mh Samhainn, 12pm, An Talla
Saturday 9th November, 12pm, An Talla

Come from Hynish and get some lunch to raise funds for Communn nam Pàrant! We’ll have Gaelic music and activities.

14 Nov – Iorram (Boat Song) (PG – Subtitled)

Diardaoin 14mh Samhainn, 7f, Haoidhnis
Thursday 14th November, 7pm, Old Steadings, Hynish

A’ chiad film aithriseachd gu tur ann an Gàidhlig, tha Iorram na dhealbh liriceach air Innse Gall, an-diugh agus an-dè.

Tha an Stiùiriche, Alastair Cole, a’ toirt an luchd-amhairc air turas-bogaidh a-steach do chridhe coimhearsnachd a tha air maireadh 1,000 bliadhna.

The first cinema documentary entirely in Scots Gaelic, Iorram (Boat Song) is a lyrical portrait of the fishing community in Scotland’s Outer Hebrides, past and present.

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