Most people will have noticed the increase in activity on the island, with the process of unlocking now underway. It is no surprise that there has been an increase in demand for consultations at the surgery associated with this.
The last thing we want is for the surgery to be a place where you might contract Covid-19 and for that reason, we will be keeping the waiting room closed and continuing with the ‘telephone first’ approach which we started at the beginning of the outbreak.
If you need to consult with the GP or practice nurse, we ask that you call the surgery – 01879 220323 Reception will arrange a call back. So that we can prioritise call backs, the receptionist will ask you some brief questions about your problem and how urgent it is. They are doing so at the doctor’s request and your information will be treated with the same confidentiality as if you were speaking to the doctor or nurse directly.
You may be called back either by the doctor or nurse. Cairin our Practice Nurse is trained and experienced in dealing with lots of medical problems and the doctor is always available for problems that need the attention of a GP. Please try to call before 10:30 with routine matters so we have time to get the callbacks organised. As we get busier, non urgent calls received after that time may need to wait until the following day.
Just let us know as early as you can if you have an urgent problem. All urgent problems will always be dealt with on the day. Thanks also to those taking up on the email ordering service for repeat prescriptions. This is taking some pressure off the reception, and giving us time to prepare prescriptions. Please always specify which of your medications you need to help us get our order right. For repeat prescription requests, email
Those who have been for face to face consultations will know we are asking where possible, for people to wear face masks. You will be invited in to the surgery, asked to gel your hands, have your temperature taken and given a mask. Thank you to the many people who are already coming equipped with their own face covering. It is a big help. Anyone who will struggle to wear a mask just needs to let us know and we will accommodate you.
We would remind everyone that if you have symptoms of new continuous cough, fever, loss of, or change in sense of smell or taste, we need to know without delay at the surgery. We will carry out assessment and testing. You can use NHS111 if you wish, but your care will be forwarded to the GP on Tiree by the 111 service and we are keen for you to continue to contact us directly on 01879 220 323
Testing will still only be available for those over the age of 5 with symptoms. Thank you to everyone, residents and visitors alike, for continuing with distancing measures and for your cooperation with the changes we have made to the Medical Service in response to Covid-19. You are all playing your part in keeping our community safe.