Tiree Medical Practice – Flu Clinic Update 7th October

Update from Tiree Medical Practice

7th October 2020

Flu vaccinations.

We have held our first flu vaccination outdoor clinic today 6th October .   There was a good attendance and we hope those who came found it worked well.  The next clinic is on Thursday 8th October from 12-4pm.  Vaccinations will be available for all over 65 year olds and under 65 year olds with qualifying risk factors as described in the previous SMS message.  

We have made every effort to ensure that distancing is maintained at the clinic.  You do not need an appointment.  Just come along and you will be vaccinated.  Waiting times have been very short even at the busiest times.  We cannot overstate how important it is this year that we vaccinate as many people as possible.  If you qualify, but have never had a vaccination before, please do consider making this your first year.

Tiree Medical Practice

Tiree Medical Practice – Flu Clinic Update 7th October
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